Začínáme s příkrmy. Jaké máte zkušenosti, tipy?

24. led 2007

jak plyne z názvu tématu, zajímali by mě Vaše zkušenosti se zaváděním příkrmů, nějaké tipy, jak to mimču usnadnit. My jsme začali temto týden mrkvičkou, bramborou a jablíčkem a moc nám to nejede, pořád chceme jenom mlíčkooo ☹ Podotýkám, že jsme na UM, takže příkrmy zavádíme už teď. Příkrm podávám na lžičce a bojím se, abych to malýmu nějak neznechutila, protože mi připadá, že když vidí lžičenku, už se od ní odtahuje ☹ Ředili jste třeba zezačátku všechno mlíčkem? Já ne, dávám pyré, ale třeba by to pomohlo?

24. kvě 2010

presne ako latvia pise, nikto tu nikoho nenuti, ja mam taky nazor, niekto onaky..nech si mamicky vyberu, i ked niektore nazory si myslim ze su dost scestne, ako tu uzniektore baby povedali a radit nieje len tak! 😉

24. kvě 2010

The American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization, and many other health organizations recommend that babies be exclusively breastfed (no cereal, juice or other foods) for the first 6 months of life. Some doctors may recommend delaying solids for the first year if there is a family history of allergies. I'm not going into the many health benefits of delaying solids here; see Why Delay Solids? for more information.

latvia a to co si poslala ..z kt.roku to je? inak berem to, rada sa priucim

24. kvě 2010

rimmel, nepotrvdim ani nevyvratim, neviem.jedno co viem, ze kazdy clovek je indi vindi,a casove ohranicenie vyvoja sa proste dava len teoreticky.takze jedno dieta moze mat v 6 mesiaci vyvoj uplne niekde ine ako druhe. tak ako odlisne dozrieva mozog (vidiet to na funkciach -chodenie, celkovy psychomotoricky vyvin), tak moze odlisne vyzrievat ostatny system.
ale kedze sa potvrdilo, ze trav.trakt a vylucovaci je v 4m vyzrety tak nemam co dodat 😀 😀

24. kvě 2010

tusim koniec 2008 roku

24. kvě 2010

Delaying solids gives baby's digestive system time to mature.
If solids are started before a baby's system is ready to handle them, they are poorly digested and may cause unpleasant reactions (digestive upset, gas, constipation, etc.). Protein digestion is incomplete in infancy. Gastric acid and pepsin are secreted at birth and increase toward adult values over the following 3 to 4 months. The pancreatic enzyme amylase does not reach adequate levels for digestion of starches until around 6 months, and carbohydrate enzymes such as maltase, isomaltase, and sucrase do not reach adult levels until around 7 months. Young infants also have low levels of lipase and bile salts, so fat digestion does not reach adult levels until 6-9 months.

24. kvě 2010

latvia co hovoris na moj posledny prispevok?

24. kvě 2010

a je to europska spolocnost pre vyzivu a travenie, takze sita na europsku vyzivu

24. kvě 2010

rimm, a ked je priemer aby dieta chodilo 12m a chodi skor? je priemer na prikrm 6m, a to dieta je uz aj tak vopred... prosto dietatu nemozes ublizit ak to robis na zaklade lekarskeho odporucenia... ved to by po svete behalo "poskodenych"... keby zavedenie prikrmu skor ako v 6m zarucene poskodi zdravie,tak by to urcite nepodporovali... ved nase matky nas prikrmovali uz v 3-4m, bola doba sunarov... a co,zijeme... je to na kazdom tele,ako sa s tym vysporiada... ale ak v 5m das kasicku a dieta nema ziadne vedlajsie ucinky,lekar ti to odpouci,tak co riesit 😅

24. kvě 2010

hat ja sa neradim podla tabuliek.tabulky su iba ukazovatelmi..radia...ale to ze zaludok nieje pripraveny je pre mna fakt..nie pomocka..vid moj posledny prispevok a link z 😉

ako abyste si nemysleli..ja sa nechcem hadat, iba diskutujem 😉 ak sa mylim rada si pripustim nebojte sa 😀

24. kvě 2010

Delaying solids gives baby greater protection from illness.
Although babies continue to receive many immunities from breastmilk for as long as they nurse, the greatest immunity occurs while a baby is exclusively breastfed. Breastmilk contains 50+ known immune factors, and probably many more that are still unknown. One study has shown that babies who were exclusively breastfed for 4+ months had 40% fewer ear infections than breastfed babies whose diets were supplemented with other foods. The probability of respiratory illness occurring at any time during childhood is significantly reduced if the child is fed exclusively breast milk for at least 15 weeks and no solid foods are introduced during this time. (Wilson, 1998) Many other studies have also linked the degree of exclusivity of breastfeeding to enhanced health benefits (see Immune factors in human milk and Risks of Artificial Feeding).

24. kvě 2010

link modifikovany v 2010 😉

24. kvě 2010

co hovorim? ja verim , ze ked sa patologovia zhodnu na klasifikacii nadorov, internisti na liecbe infarktu a anesteziologicka spolocnost napise spolocne postupy v uspavani pacientov, tak vedia co robia a maju na to studie a dokazy. preto verim europskym detskym gastroenterologom a odbornkom na vyzivu, ze pisu veci, ktore odpozorovali za dlhe roky praxe s vyzivou.staci takato odpoved? 🙂

24. kvě 2010

ale ok,priznavam ze zaludok dietata sa moze vyvijat odlisne. mylila som sa 😉

24. kvě 2010

@rimmel nepripustis... uz si napisala, aj tak si myslim svoje...

24. kvě 2010

hod link

24. kvě 2010

ne 😀

24. kvě 2010

hat ale pripustiiim..mysliet si mozem co chcem ale ak nazor zmenim,mysliet si budem daco ine..ale stale to moje 😀

24. kvě 2010

The probability of respiratory illness occurring at any time during childhood is significantly reduced if the child is fed exclusively breast milk for at least 15 weeks and no solid foods are introduced during this time.

vycuc , uplne trefny....nik neradi davat solids pred 15tt 😝

24. kvě 2010

rimmel, aha, ja sa drzim priamych zdrojov.

24. kvě 2010

@rimmel trpis rozdvojenim osobnosti? ako si mozes mysliet nieco,zmenit nazor ale aj tak si budes mysliet nieco ine 😕

24. kvě 2010

hat zle si ma pochopila 😉

latvia stale si nereagovala na moj link..a to co v nom who pise..

24. kvě 2010

inac, moj maly nemal ani raz ear infection 🙂

24. kvě 2010

nato delaying solids..

ja musim uz ist zatim caute 😀

24. kvě 2010

@rimmel ty si to zle napisala...

24. kvě 2010

rimmel, reagovala, nedala si mi link who, to by som mozno brala, ale uz som pisala ze beriem viac na vedomie europsku gastroenterologicku spolocnost....
okrem toho, v tvojom linku sa furt popisuje co sa deje ak je dieta kojene bez prikrmov do cca 15 tt, co v podstate dodrzuje kazda. pise sa tam o tom jake je breast feeding vyhodne. ale ja to nepopieram.ja s tym suhlasim

24. kvě 2010

a usne inf. zvysene z prikrmov? moze byt, neviem dokazat ze nie. moj maly este usnu inf. nemal

24. kvě 2010

latvia nie to tam nepisu..15tt sa spomina v prvom vacsom odstavci..inak sa tam spomina 6m

hat mozno..

24. kvě 2010

Health experts and breastfeeding experts agree that it's best to wait until your baby is around six months old before offering solid foods. There has been a large amount of research on this in the recent past, and most health organizations have updated their recommendations to agree with current research. Unfortunately, many health care providers are not up to date in what they're telling parents, and many, many books are not up to date.

The following organizations recommend that all babies be exclusively breastfed (no cereal, juice or any other foods) for the first 6 months of life (not the first 4-6 months):

* World Health Organization
* US Department of Health & Human Services
* American Academy of Pediatrics
* American Academy of Family Physicians
* American Dietetic Association
* Australian National Health and Medical Research Council
* Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
* Health Canada

Most babies will become developmentally and physiologically ready to eat solids by 6-9 months of age. For some babies, delaying solids longer than six months can be a good thing; for example, some doctors may recommend delaying solids for 12 months if there is a family history of allergies.
Reasons for delaying solids

Although some of the reasons listed here assume that your baby is breastfed or fed breastmilk only, experts recommend that solids be delayed for formula fed babies also.